The frequently asked questions and answers section are based on general questions asked at Bikeline.
Q: What is the difference between Market Value and Retail Value?
A: The Market value is the average between Trade and Retail values as per the Trans Union MM Motorcycle Dealers Guide. This guide is used to determine the value of the said motorcycle.
Q: What if my bike is not in the MM/Transunion Guide
A: We then obtain 3 current sales values from appropriate dealerships for the make and model you own and use the average between the three.
Q: What value does Bikeline use to insure my motorcycle?
A: At Bikeline you are insured for Retail Value at the time of the loss according to the MM/Transunion Motorcycle Dealers Guide
Q: What happens if I don’t insure my non-standard or after market extras on my bike?
A: All non-standard and/or after market extras (AMP Pipes, Top Boxes, Power Commander, Bellypan. Screen, Braided hoses, Rear Sets, Custom spray job etc) have to be noted separately with their values. An additional premium will be charged proportionally. Remember to tell us about the extras so that we can give you the correct advice. Not noted = not covered
Q: What is an excess and how does it apply to me?
A: An excess if the first amount payable by you when you have a claim. Depending on the product you have chosen, a basic excess is applied and the additional excesses as shown on your policy schedule (also in original quote which you agreed to) are in addition to the basic and will be applied if it is applicable to your claim.
Q: Are all motorcycle policies the same?
A: No, each insurance company has different policy wordings, terms and conditions and excesses. Always compare quotes – “apples for apples” . Take time to read and study the quote as the policy you sign up for is a binding and legal contract between you and the insurer.
Q: Is cover limited to the borders of South Africa?
A: No, cover is included for neighbouring countries.(South of the equator) Let us know when you intend travelling beyond the borders so that we can request a Border letter for you from the insurer.
Q: Is my motorcycle covered if someone else drives my motorcycle and has an accident?
A: NO – Only the riders listed / nominated on the policy will have cover. You are able to list additional drivers
Q: Can I insure a motorcycle if I am the rider but the owner is someone else?
A: The policy has to be in the name of the owner and you will be noted as a rider or alternatively we can issue a combined policy in both your names.
Q: Will my premiums reduce if I get my full motorcycle licence?
A: Yes, a copy of the full licence is required and your premium will be reduced and the learners licence excess will fall away.
Q: Will my premiums automatically decrease when the value of my motorcycle decreases?
A: No, not all motorcycles are listed on the MM / Transunion Motorcycles Dealers Guide – we normally ask our biker client to contact us twice a year for a chat, touch base and to review the policy.
Q: Do I have automatic cover on the track?
A: No, you have to send me a mail / fax to request cover – I need to know which school you are attending and in which class you are going to participate. I then request cover from the insurer. You will only have cover when you receive written confirmation from me. No confirmation from me – no cover.
Q: If I have an accident can I take my motorcycle to any repairer?
A: Of course – at Bikeline you choose your repairer!
Q: What about my gear?
A: Yes, you can insure it – we need make, color and value – these items will then be specified for all risks cover and you will pay an additional premium on each item.
Q: Will I be covered if I go to a Rally like the Rhino, Impala, Poison, Buff etc….
A: Yes, but NOT whilst riding in the “cordoned off” area for stunts.